LO5: Evaluation of Feedback

To improve my product I will be considering the feedback that I gathered from my presentation, this feedback includes the main points of me needing to add a favouriting feature, tagging items section, suggestion section from the liked items and a tagging link for the items. I was also advised to do research into software such as Unity and Blender to create the product, these was said to be suitable platforms to investigate. 

The feedback I was given from my peers and Anne Doncaster has suggested to me that I need to change the colour palette that I have used and to suggest to add more forms of colour to the apps design. However, an issue that I may come across when doing this is I could possible push the app towards one gender, if this occurs it would cause issues with the app and the success it would have for it could be seen as too 'girly' or too 'boisterous.' To help avoid doing this I will be considering using the neutral colours such as orange so the app can appeal to all genders and sexualities. To add more dashes of colour to the app I will be including coloured outlines to certain sections of the app or underlining certain sections such as the 'Tops' section in an burnt orange colour, this will add dashes of colour to the app and create a form of house style. 

To improve my apps functions I will add an favourites section, due to the feedback I got I know that adding this feature would improve the apps functionality. This would be a useful function to have on the app because it can make it easier for the user to keep track of the items they like and can further explore the options they have to buy them. This can also lead onto the chance of there being a tab on the app that is full of the users favourited items, from this tab they can further buy the items faster and more effective. 

Developing the app to have a further suggestions section on the items the user has liked could improve the apps success because it would draw the user in to keep looking for different items and to explore their options more online. This was suggested by Anne Doncaster to include on the app for it would make the app more efficient and would make it easier fro people to find item they like and narrow down he items they like. This feature would also encourage the user to keep looking on the app for there is more options for them to explore, this could also include them going to online shopping site that they might not consider looking at beforehand. 

Some platform that Anne Doncaster mentioned that I could use to create the app would be Blended and Unity, these platforms are suitable for this type of app creation and are easy to use and navigate. This is useful for me to know because I now have wider knowledge on software platforms I could further use to develop the app. I would research these software platforms to ensure that my apps design is suitable and achievable with these software platforms to ensure my app has a successful development.


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