LO4: Be able to create a proposal using converging technologies to exploit the identified new marks (P,M)



For this product it will be distributed on platform such as the app store for the audience to download the app and is will be marketed through above and below the line advertising methods. I will be using the App Store to distribute the app because it is known for people to use this platform and are familiar with its functions and how to use it. This app is accessible for everyone to use and it is a popular platform, this platform is free for everyone and is already downloaded onto every mobile phone device meaning the audience can easily access the platform and download the product. 


To advertise this product I will be using different social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, I will be using these platforms because they are globalised platforms that everyone uses. These platforms are popular for people to use and are easy to access for people due to the increase in technology throughout the globes, because of this occurring it means the technology that is now considered 'old' is cheaper for people to access. When using social media as a advertising platform it allows for the idea of there being influencers that will also promote the app through their social media pages, for the influencers to do this it would cost the company money but it does have a positive effect on the amount of downloads that the app would have. Another advantage with using social media to advertise the product would be that the company could make a social media page based on the app to advertise its production and its launch, the company can further post about the app and use hashtags such as #fashion or #avatar, from using hashtags it will create a post that the audience can further access from searching in the hashtag. On the social media page there can be stories posted that the followers could view to gather more of an insight to the app and its development, this would be a good thing to do because it will involve the audience with the app and make it so they feel included, encouraging them to make the app successful and download it. To ensure that the social media posts would be suitable for the target audience and would target them directly the social media page would have to ensure that the content posted on the page is specific and is direct to the audio. and the app, if the posts are meaningless and don't suit the target audience it will not reach them or intrigue them. Ensuring that the target audience is reached the social media pages would have to look professional and appealing for them specifically through the house style and the manor of the social media page. 



The idea for my product is for there to be a app where people can try clothing on through creating a digital replica of their body, the idea of this app will help to improve online shopping and make it more efficient for people to access that may have issues with body images or don't have the confidence to go shopping and try clothes on. 

The converging sectors that will be included in the creation of this app will be computing crossed with social media meaning it has computing and social media involved with the app. There will be computing used as a converging sector for this app because it allows the users to access the app on different platforms. From this being a factor it means that the success to the access app would increase because the users can further access the app via other devices.

This product will provide the users help with choosing their fashion items out. This product will help people to feel more comfortable with shopping and would provide them with easy access to different shops that are online that they may never consider before. This app will give people the confidence to shop online more and be more adventurous with their fashion for they can see what it looks like before purchasing the items, this will help with people confidence and avoid them feeling any form of embarrassment when shopping. 

The target audience for this app would be for any ages because anyone can further use the app for children, teenagers, adults or elder people. This app will allow anyone to enter their body details so that they can create a real life digital avatar of themselves, they can adjust the hair colour and style and can even upload a photo of themselves so the user can then see what clothing suits their face and not just their body. This product will be available for all classes, cultures, locations, sexualities, genders and ethnicities, these features will be considered during the creation of the app because the house style of the app will have to be suitable for the target audience. 

This product will fill in a gap in the market place because online shopping is more popular and common to be used due to the change in the world and the development of technology and how easy it is to access. From personal experience I know that this app would have helped me grow confidence with clothing audit would have been very useful when 2020 lockdown occurred so people would be able to buy clothing even when stores are closed. This old benefit the shop based clothing stores for they would still make a profit and grow their audience throw wider platforms. 

This product would collaborate with a conglomerate company because it would increase the access to the different online clothing platforms, this would make it easier to further gather brands to have on the app. From having a conglomerate company it means that the subsidiaries that they contain could be used to further help with the marketing process of the app. A conglomerate company would strengthen the apps development and its success from its support and the advantages a conglomerate company has. 

To distribute this app it would be done simply through the platforms google play and the AppStore, this would be done because they are known by everyone and are easy to access. The AppStore is a good platform to distribute a new app because it is a free app for the users to access and it is easy to navigate, meaning finding the app would be easy for the users to do. This app also allows the users to leave reviews and ratings on the app and share the app to other people, this would also increase the rate of its success.

This product would be advertised via above and below the line advertising methods, for example there would be social media posts on the app, influencer mentions, the use of hashtags (#fashiontryon), bus wrappings and even adverts on social media platforms such as YouTube. I will be using social media as the main marketing and advertising method because it is cheaper that above the line advertising and it is a easy method to promote the app globally from social media being used throughout the world. To ensure that the target audience is reached there would be the use of hashtags so the audience can search the hashtag and gather all the posts that contain the hashtag. On platforms such as Instagram it allows the company to post stories on their page that the audience can further access, this interacts with the audience and keeps them interested and feel involved with the production of the apps creation. 


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