LO3: Legal, ethical , social and moral issues are considered within a product (P1)

The legal requirements applicable to my product proposal would be the copyright and data protection acts that will need to be highly considered. These laws will need to be considered the most for they affect the app and its users, if the legal requirements aren't followed it would result in the app and the company getting fined or the app having to be shut down. During the creation of my app, I will be considering the the legal issue of copyright, to avoid any issues with clothing brands included in the app, to avoid this issue I would be asking for permission to include their clothing items in the app. For example I would ask permission to use any form of their logos, images of their clothes, models and their brands name from their website or app or any social media pages they have. I would be using a model release form to gather permission from any models or companies I intend on including in the app to avoid any fines that could occur from not asking for permission from people. to allow the idea of copyright issues being limited I would ask for permission for every photograph or clothing item from the company included in the app to avoid any copyright laws being brought to light. 

When creating my app, I will be considering the idea of there being people needing accessibility features included in the production of the app. I will be considering the idea that people may not have fully functioning or formed limbs or there being people with diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, to make my app accessible for these type of people I will be accommodating the idea of making the design of the website clear and simple and the buttons that may need to be clicked on to be a larger size so the user can access it easier with less stress. I will be making sure that the design of the app is consistent and format so people can find it easier to access and use if they have any form of OCD or any other disease or issues that can make accessibility difficult. To make the app more accessible I will be making sure that there are ALT tags on the items of clothing describing what is occurring in the image for screen readers to access. 

Some ethical issues that I would have to consider would be to make sure not to offend anyone or create any form of offensive content, to ensure that none of the content or design can be seen as offensive to anyone I would check with other people if they see any form of design contained seem to be offensive. From considering these issues it can reduce the risk of there being any legal action taken towards the app or any social media hate from the public towards the app, if this occurs it will reduce the apps development and success. 

A social issue that I will be considering will be to ensure that my app is not racist I will make sure that there are different options for the colour of peoples skin, this means that people can customise the avatar to suit them and their appearance. I will be making sure that no skin colours will be left out of this app, to ensure that there is no exclusions in the app and the app is accessible for everyone. 

Some moral issues that may occur would be how there needs to be friendly and appropriate content contained on the app, this would be to ensure that the content does not create any form of moral panic to the public or the audience. From considering this issue I will be ensuring to make sure that the app does not contain any form of inappropriate content and there will be sections of the app where it is deemed only suitable for adults and there will have to be age evidence provided to make sure that the user is of an appropriate age for for the clothing items contained. 


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