LO1: Be able to research the development of digital media technologies to support the planning of a new product (P1, M1)

Generate outfits from clothes that have been upload by the user on an app that also uses the persons body shapes and their body features. 

These are some example of online shopping tools that are used often by the audience:

To gather this idea I have considered the idea of how difficult it can be for people to chose outfits out and how uncomfortable it can be for certain people to then try clothes on and to buy clothing, This then rules out for people may feel when they buy clothes if they suffer with body image or just find it hard for people to decide. I have also considered the idea that choosing an outfit out can be highly time consuming for some people and it can get frustrating when you buy clothes and they don't look good on u if thy are online. My idea has stemmed from the idea that online shopping has developed but there is not way of knowing if the items would suit the person, I believe this app would be a good improvement and a good development for society, however it can also lead to people not going to the physical shops more. 

This development would create more opportunities for some companies such as SHEIN for this website is an online only shopping site, this idea would then be able to reduce the amount of times that people have to then send their purchases back. This can then further save the company money because they dent then have to give people refunds as often and won't have to pay for as much packaging or staff members. Methods that could be used to cross promote the product could be through social media platforms wheee influencers show them using the product, pop up adverts online for the audience to see and for there to be a link on shopping platforms to the app to connect the platforms. 

Another reason why this app is a valuable idea is because it allows companies and customers online shop when situations such as lockdowns occur. This would be a valuable app to have so that people can still shop and give clothing companies money through buying their products. This shows the development that technology has had and how it has transformed into Web 2.0 through the development improvements. From Web 2.0 is has influenced my product idea of a fashion avatar app because of the development of the web and technology it means that people are more familiar with using technology resulting people being more educated and able to use apps and technology easier in their day to day life. This further means that there will be little worry with the development if the app that users would find it unaccessible due to it being online technology based. 


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